Hate the Way Your Anxiety Feels? Read this Book
If you struggle with panic attacks or strong physiological anxiety symptoms, most likely you wish you could just make it go away. You...
Grieving 2020. What did you lose this year?
2020 has been a stressful year for most of us. Since March, the pandemic has changed all our lives in one way or another. Not...
This is Your Brain on Quarantine... and How to Cope
Certainly, if you're able to work from home in quarantine, there's a lot to be grateful for. At the same time, there may be a nagging unease
How to Let Go of Control
Life is unpredictable. For those of us who are prone to anxiety, this is a very uncomfortable fact. Many people cope with the fear of what c
America's Top 7 Phobias
Phobias and fears may be more common that you think. Phobias are the most common anxiety disorder. Here are the top 7 phobias in America.
Emergency Mindfulness: Here's How to Calm Your Mind in 3 Minutes
When you are hit by a stressful situation, you're likely to feel flooded with difficult thoughts and feelings in all directions.